
Senin, 20 Juni 2011

i'm lucky boy

today....i'm very happy....
because my littel angel or my best sister will hold graduation after a struggle she had been

I dont know what I would do to say and what I would give to ange..
because my distance is too far and ange I can only congratulate for ange in words on my blog this

maybe just the words that are not meant to ange .... because only a greeting ....
but I just wanted to congratulate you on your success so far ...
and I hope you can achieve a dream that you've dreamed of a friend ....
You are the star in the life of father, mother and even your sisters....Your success is the first step to conquer the world ... to reach your dreams

I can only convey this in a series of words that meant nothing ... but ... in my heart .... congratulated on the success you've got ....

سنكون دائما معكم في الفرح والحزن...
وتبقى خطوة للوصول الى المثل العليا....

greetings from your friend ............. rykung(ryan)/Rayan :P