
Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

kill me with u clown

I have a friend from KSA…..she’s name Angequeen…..she’s good person for me..i know his from virtual world or other people say…facebook…
I don’t know why I can chat or communicate with his….but….when I chat with his I always happy….really….she’s make me happy anytime……I know far is my problem with ange….but I don’t care about it…n I know… n Ange is bestfriend..

Anytime when I can’t chat with ange because ange have exam in school…or I have problem with my work…
Oh yah…I know ange from my friend mizan…ange always call mizan with name hoho boy….. I don’t know why…but…I like it..
After all.. I’m started communicate with ange.. for first time n for other people i like a clown…but for ange I feel like human…hahahahah….i don’t know why I say about that…but it’s true…his make me feel like human…
For a minutes..i like ange..but..i know…it’s imposible….because I never meet ange in real world….n don’t know about ange….hahahah…’s just feel like a boy…
N now….i know how I’m….i’m spiderman….(hah…no…I’m not spiderman..but I’m stupid boy…hahah….my friends say me stupid boy but smard boy)
I’m not good in eng lang…example…
When I chat with ange..i always use google translate…hohoho…I know…..i’m stupid boy…this make me different with ange……ange is smart girl n cute girl….
But for me,..bad boy….stupid boy…lazy boy…etc….hahha…

Ah….susah benar gunain bahasa inggris dalam cerita..sebenarnya tidak ada niat tuk nulis cerita menggunain bahasa inggris…tapi ini untuk mempermudah ange n yang lain bisa membaca blog orang idiot ini…
Oke…I’m sure about ange…I thinks,,,she’s beautiful…hhahah….i just wanna say I like my monkey….hay….what do you say…u like monkey….ah…..i’m really like monkey….n I really like u….(what…like me….u say me animal…*bumi gonjang ganjing….aku ditampar para kera untuk makan….n malah pada ngupil sambil loncat2 atas pohon*)
N I don’t know ange real name….because I always call ange with nick name ange…when I chat with ange I feel talk with my sister or my girlfriend…I don’t know why…maybe I feel comportable with ange,,,but I don’t know..

2 komentar:

Munira~ mengatakan...

uh thinx ray ^^
you're the best..
but why you stupid n bad ?
you're really lovely and very kind ^^

and i like you too ^.^

Catatan Si Idiot mengatakan...

i say like that...because my friends say i'm stupid n bad boy...

thanks'r my best sister :3